Xenotoca eiseni, San Marcos - Back to Xenotoca eiseni Page

    Common Name- The Red-Tailed Goodeid
    Water Conditions- Not Critical. Temp 70- 78 Degrees, Plants, Vegetable in Diet
    Behavior- A better behaved population, best kept in species only tanks.
    Breeding- 5-15 Young every 60 Days.
    Size- 2.5 inches

    With water that does not get too warm (above about 76-77 degrees consistently), water changes and decent food, this
    fish is about as hardy as a goodeid can get.  They breed easily with broods of up to 20 fish approximately every 60 days.
    The young are large, and easy to raise, taking baby brine shrimp or even finely crushed flake immediately.
    Like many goodeids, they are officially considered endangered in the wild.

    Omnivorous, they do best with a variety of dry and frozen foods, including food with a vegetable component. To get the
    largest size and best color, feed them 2-3xs per day a variety of foods with good water quality and aeration. Keep some
    fine leaved plants in the tank and there will be many young in a relatively short period of time.

    They are very active, and will eat fry given the opportunity. A heavily planted portion of the tank for the young to hide in
    may be enough, after a healthy sized population is established (Separate the gravid female and raise the young
    separately to build up your numbers). If well fed, they should produce more fry than they will consume. Though they 
    are a smaller fish, and a few will do fine in a 10 gallon tank, for a colony to grow a tank of at least 29 gallons
    should be used.


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