Xiphophorus montezumae, Tamasopo - Back to Xiphophorus montezumae Page
    Water Conditions- Not critical. Temp 72-78, moderate to strong aeration, some water movement, plants
    Behavior- A shy, peaceful community fish. Best kept by themselves so their swords aren't nipped by other fish.
    Breeding- Can separate gravid females or leave in tank, not big fry eaters. 10-30 Young after approx.30 days.
    Size- Males with sword- 5.5 inches, females 3.5- 4 inches. Larger in the wild, may grow larger in 100 gal+ tank.

     This magnificent swordtail needs to be kept by anyone with an interest in wild swordtails. Still "wild-like" in its behavior,
      it can be a fish that will also show off, well aware of the effect its sword has on its audience.

     The males are competitive with one another, and can expend much of their energy sparring and chasing one another.
     They can be skittish, but do settle down when their routine is established, and they become familiar with you. This is
     a fish that shows its wild nature in that it can be shy, is fast, and can be difficult to catch with a net.

     A male with 2 or 3 females in a 20-30 gallon tank provides the greatest yield of fry. Supplied with Java moss or other
     fine leaved floating plants, the adults can hide while there is refuge for fry to feel safe. As a rule, these do not eat their
     fry, but removing them allows the young to be raised up separately, where they do not need to compete with the adults
     for food.

     When a female is put into a net breeder to drop her fry, she will often do well, but the fry will often develop problems
     within the first week if born into a net breeder, and should be born into a moderately planted aquarium.

     They get along well together, and though active there is never any fin damage or injuries. They are quite hardy, and
     over many years of keeping them I do not believe I have ever encountered a single case of ich or finrot with them.
     A close eye on their behavior and health will show quickly when conditions are not to their liking.

     This is a fish that benefits greatly from occasional live or frozen food. Twice weekly feedings of at least baby brine
     shrimp is highly recommended. Fresh or frozen daphnia, bloodworms, etc. are all great options.

     Their time to full maturity and relatively low reproductive rate (when compared to X. helleri) has kept this fish from
     being bred commercially. However, other populations of this fish had been used by the Florida fish farms in the
     past during attempts to breed large size and longer swords into domestic lines.

     The rate of growth of the montezumae is the same as it is for any other swordtail, where the fish will begin to sexually
     mature around 4 months, and may begin breeding shortly thereafter. Their sword grows quickly at first, and seems to
     grow throughout its life, sometimes reaching twice its body length, and the sword is generally at about 1.5 times its
     body length. Their distinctive look is reached at about 8-10 months. The females produce from 10 to 30 young
     approximately once a month. Good luck with them, this is a majestic, regal fish that needs to be kept in the hobby!

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