Select Aquatics Channel Videos


      To subscribe to the Select Aquatics Video Channel, simply click on the subscribe button that appears in the videos and on the Youtube
      page beneath the videos.

      I have been working to put the content of the website into videos that can be referred to and reviewed easily, covering a wide variety of topics
      not generally seen. Beginning with the videos on each species, a regular section will appear where some of the most interesting emails, of
      many thousands that have come through Select Aquatics will be shared and discussed. I will never share your identity, or reveal information
      that will identify the authors of any correspondence.

      Videos that will be posted over the next year are described here, and a new video will appear about every 2 weeks. Approximately 30 are
      currently in various stages of completion.
      As new, important, and substantial topics in the fishkeeping hobby come about that apply to the fish kept here, I will address it.

      Unlike other retail/ wholesale businesses that do videos, some of whom are close friends, I do not have connections or allegiances to any
      sponsors or products. Because of this I will speak openly about both the good and the not so good that will sometimes cross each of our paths.
      Please feel free to let me know if you enjoy these efforts, or if you would like to see a topic addressed that does not seem to appear anywhere
      else, and I will look into it. Thank you!

      Greg Sage, Owner, Select Aquatics



        An Intoduction to Select Aquatics,
       Tank Setup and Filtration.

       A brief overview of some of the species
      maintained and bred in this 120 tank Fishroom,
      and the approach to Water Quality, Filtration
      and Practices used to breed these fish
      in larger numbers is discussed.



     Select Aquatics Presents - Ameca
        Splendens, Breeding Pet Store
        Fish, and Keeping Goodeids!

     This video covers what you need to know to
     keep Goodeids, and looks at the best known   
     goodeid, the Ameca splendens. Also the value
     of breeding Pet Store Fish is discussed!



   Click on pic to see video.


    Odessa Breeding #1

    This video covers the preparation before breeding
    including materials, live foods, and how to
    season the water with infusoria to create the
    largest, healthiest batches of 200-500 fry..


      Select Aquatics Presents - Gen II
       Pleco  Caves, Getting Mutations
       and a Breather Bag Test! 

     The evolution of the popular Gen II Pleco cave
     is shown, and how they are used by the Green  
     Dragons. Also how to increase your odds of
     getting mutations is followed by a Breather Bag
     drop test - Comparing the two leading brands 
     of Breather bags! 



     Odessa Breeding #2

    With water prepared, this video covers the
    selection of breeders, introduction to the
    breeding tank, water maintenance and the
    accomplishment of spawning.


             Select Aquatics Presents
        Mechanical  and Biological Filtration,
       Saving Fry and Availability of Green

     Recent improvements in Filtration has brought the
     number of types to 12 to best maintain and breed   
     the wild Livebearers and Plecos raised here. How
     best to save livebearer fry and the current
     availability of the sexed and 2-3 inch Green  
     Dragons is shown. 


     Odessa Breeding #3

    Beginning with the adults removed, the fry hatch and
    are raised until they can be separated into their own
    own tanks at 30 days old. This video follows their care
    and maintenance until they are 6 weeks old.


      Keeping Odessa Barbs, The Website
                     and Feeding Fry!
 Rather than focusing on Breeding, this video
     addresses keeping the Odessa barbs, with  
     video to show how to keep them at their best
     color. Also new changes to the website are
     reviewed, as well as methods to consider 
     when feeding fry are discussed. 



     Select Aquatics Presents: X. doadrioi
              and Swordtail length

     This video looks at the care, temperment and
     behavior of the Xenotoca doadrioi, a very
     beautiful, easy to keep Goodeid. Questions
     discussed in this video include goodeid
     temperature and swordtail comparisons between



      Raising Large Swordtails, Levamisole
        and Fish You Should Never Keep!
A new project to raise especially large X. mayae,
     and tank setups that produce the largest fish are 
     discussed, as well as the variables beyond food
     and water quality to consider when producing large fish.
     Also, how to use and dose Levamisole to treat worms  
     and parasites, and a sad story about fish available
     at many fish stores that should not be kept in an


   Select Aquatics Presents: P. velifera
          and Initial Tank Setup

    This video looks at the care and maintenance of
    the true, wild Yucatan Peninsula Sailfin Molly,
    and how they are bred and raised at Select Aquatics.
    Questions include International Shipping,
    livebearer"shimmying' and best initial tank
    setups so that these wild livebearers will
    do well for you in your tank.


    Select Aquatics Presents: X. mayae
    and Sex Ratio Mixes for breeding.

    This video looks at the care and behavior of the
    X. mayae, discovered in 2002 and considered to
    be the world's largest swordtail. Questions
    include how best to determine proper livebearer
    male to female ratios for the greatest production
    of fry.





       Breeding Synodontis Lucipinnis
                             Video 1
After 6 years of experimentation and effort,
     the results are now are producing the  
     lucipinnis consistently and in large numbers.
     This describes how it is done. This video covers
     up to the point where the eggs are about to



   Select Aquatics Presents- Ordering
           and Shipping Size

    A bit about Select Aquatics, Ordering and
    Shipping. Customer questions address
    International Shipping and best size to
    ship various species sold here.


       Breeding Synodontis Lucipinnis
                             Video 2
This video covers from the first hatching until the
     fry are just over 6 weeks old, but have not yet 
     begun to develop their adult coloration.



           Aquarium Books, Behavior,
         and 80 Gallon Hex Tank Repair!

     This Video looks at the essential Aquarium Book
     Collection here, a portion that can be seen behind 
     me. From Books I grew up with, to books I have
     had for 30 years and never opened...
     A question on mating behavior answers something 
     we have all seen and wondered about, and we follow a
     customer as they figure out the repair of an
     80 gallon hex tank!


     Select Aquatics Presents- X. lyonsi
        and 3 generation Acclimation

     This video introduces a second Xenotoca,
     formerly eiseni and now lyonsi, named after
     Dr. John lyons. Customer questions cover
     Keeping Goodeids Together, and the 3
     generations of acclimation that livebearers
     (and likely all fish) go through when
     introduced to a new environment.


              The Brine Shrimp 3Hs -   
    Hatchers, Hatching and Harvesting 

In this video the easy building of Two 4-12 liter
    Brine Shrimp Hatchers is shown, with full
    information on how to regularly produce large 
    healthy batches of brine Shrimp that can then be
    frozen for future use!


   Select Aquatics Presents - The Tiger Limia
      and Fry Water Quality

   In this video the tangled history of the Tiger Limia
   is addressed, including pics of its odd and
   controversial discoverer. Then, Maintining Fry Water
   Quality when using breeders is discussed - the 
   place where many fry are lost as well as saved!


     Select Aquatics Presents - Rapid Grow
          Fertilizer, Keeping Plants and
              Treating Minor Diseases

     We all want to Keep Plants. This video shows
     how plants are routinely maintained here, and
     the inexpensive fertilizer developed for this
     Fishroom that helps keep plants doing as well
     as they do here, and how you can obtain some
     for your tank. Also, basic diagnosis and
     treatment of common minor, primarily
     bacterial afflictions is addressed, including
     use of salt, and when to use medications


        Solving Livebearer Problems

    Many species of Livebearers differ significantly 
   in their care from other species, and require 
   conditions specific to them, and do not do well
   when kept in conditions similar to other livebearers 
   we are familiar with. Various strategies to maintain
   harder to keep livebearers is discussed, and how to
   find out what a any particular species needs to
   do well is discussed.


                Egg Layer Breeding for
                   Livebearer Keepers

     This Video walks through Step by Step an
     easy and Successful Method to Breed
     most Easier to Breed Egg Scatterers,
     such as the Barbs, Danios and Rasboras.
     Using the Odessa Barb, Fish are Spawned
     and Young are Raised to 1 Month Old.


     Select Aquatics Presents - Synodontis
       Lucipinnis, Cuckoo Breeding and
                     Tank Repair

     This video introduces a special line of
     Synodontis lucipinnis that was maintained
     away from the hobby for 20 years, and is
     gradually being bred out here. I also explain
     "Cuckoo Breeding", possibly the most violent
     and bizarre breeding practice anywhere, and
     answer customer questions on tank repair.


                   Central Filtration?

     Always Working to Improve Water Quality,
     while Exploring Triggers to Encourage
     Various Species to Spawn, a Central Sump
     is created to Boost Egg Production with
     the Plecos, and Improve Production of
     the P. velifera and X. montezumae.


     Select Aquatics Presents - Building An
  Automatics Water Changing System and 
               Keeping Rare Fish

    How to make this easy to build and inexpensive
    automatic water change system with no drilling
    or cutting of glass. Also the problem of learning
    to keep rare fish, and the inevitable,
    occasional death of fish is discussed.


                       Update and
                Green Dragon Color

     After Receiving many Pictures from
     Customers that had Bought Green Dragons
     from Others, I explain how the green color 
     is Created in the Fish Bred Here. I also
     Discuss Changes for the Future to better
     Inform Customers of Species Availability.



     Select Aquatics Presents - Z. Tequila,
       Shipping Costs and Water Quality

     One of the rarest fish offered by Select Aquatics,
     it has been subject to many efforts to reintroduce
     it to the wild. This is a pretty, peaceful fish that
     may be extinct within our lifetimes. Also the reality
     of shipping costs is discussed as well as why box
     filters are possibly the best filters you can use.


                 Fish Tour 2019
     New Racks and Showing Each Species
     at Select Aquatics is Covered in prep for 
     Releasing Upcoming Batches of Young
     Fish. Where the Numbers are at, and
     how Far Off Fish are from Being Offered
     for Sale is Shown as of Fall, 2019.



     Select Aquatics Presents - Shipping,
        Quarantine and Box Filters

     I have come to learn that few ship as I do,
     and some have used my boxes in videos to 
     show how to best ship fish. In this video I
     explain exactly what I do, from tank to your
     front door. A different take on Whether you
     should Quarantine is next, followed by a 
     more in depth look at Box Filters!


    Creating A Maximum Filtration Rack
           for Top Water Quality Fish
     This Video Shows how to Build and
     Maintain a Rack of 2-20 Aquariums,
     where with normal filtration and
     Water Changes, The entire rack is
     Circulated within itself through a
     sump, allowing for 5 - 6x turnover
     in each tank per hour. How the
     Fish have taken Off, and how Fry
     Production has responded is Shown.




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